Wednesday, March 11, 2015

In the beginning...

...there was a mom of 5 kids that spent her days giving everything she had to her family, all energy spent at the end of the day.  That mom was me.  I LOVE serving my family.  I love making sure they are well-fed, clean, snuggled, educated, and nurtured in all the ways a mama can.  They are the best bunch of people and I am delighted to call them mine.

However, in all the babies, moving (across the state...twice), organizing, cleaning, activities and just plain old life... I, Sarah, got lost.  I lost a sense of passion for something that I loved to do.  I didn't have a hobby, I simply had chores.

So this blog has been born to help me focus on what it is that I love to do- for me...and to share it with you!  I love to craft: rubber stamping, sewing, kiddo crafts, quilting, scrapping (Project Life!)... If you can get crafty with it, then I'd be happy to get lost in it for a few hours.

My little penguin family!
So I hope you will join me as I post all the things I'm crafting, and sometimes I'll post some of the things that prevent me from crafting... like my cute kids, and {blech} cleaning... because that's real life.  I'm by no means an expert, but I'd love to have you follow along!